what we offer

Your Roadmap to Branding & Design Success

Cohesive, smart and creative branding helps to put your business on the map. Start to build business and get the clients you want with a strong brand identity and a well thought out design strategy. Let Cosme Creative join you on your journey to a new or freshly updated  business brand today! I will work 1:1 to carefully and strategically develop your stand out business brand identity, one pixel at a time. 

brand identity

Route 1: Logo & Brand Design

Your logo is central to your brand identity, it is the key component that people will be exposed to the most.  Your brand identity package consists of your logo, typography, colours, packaging and messaging which helps to complement and reinforce your business. With these important elements in place, I can assist you throughout your journey to arrive at your unique brand identity.

Logo Essential Package

Branding Package

Branding Package & Web Suite

print design

Route 2: Print Design

Carrying your brand identity through to stationery, packaging, advertising and other print mediums will help complement and reinforce the existing reputation of your brand. We can create a total brand identity system implementing the following print design offerings

Print Design Services:

Digital design & marketing

Route 3: Digital Design & Marketing

A social media presence is as essential as a telephone number—and a strategic approach to social media design is how you make sure your followers answer the call. Conveying your business’ brand through social media and digital content such as a webpage, online banner ads to the smallest detail in an email signature will help to unify and carry your brand identity with impact and recognition.

Digital design & Marketing Services: